
CES Updates

CES Thanks Outgoing Interim Executive Director Justine Metz

Chris Raleigh
Chris Raleigh
Chris Raleigh

– Jan 17, 2024

With the arrival of a new CEO, Justine Metz is rolling off from her role as Interim Executive Director of The Center for Election Science.

She took on the interim role in April 2023 when CES board changed leadership and led the staff until January 2024. 

Without taking a salary, Justine worked tirelessly every day with CES staff to ensure the smoothest transition possible. She advanced major approval voting projects, led planning sessions, and set the stage for a positive future for CES. Justine returns to her role as a regular board member, and to her nominal status as “retired.” 

In a time of transition, Justine was a constant source of optimism, strength and stability. From all the CES staff and board, we want to thank Justine and welcome her back to the board as a regular member!