
Commentary & Analysis

Congressional Elections and Vote-Splitting: Candidate Panel

Caitlyn Alley Peña
Caitlyn Alley Peña
Caitlyn Alley Peña

– Feb 24, 2022

Congressional primaries are ground zero for vote-splitting. Our recent analysis shows that the problem is getting worse. Increasingly crowded primaries leave general election voters to choose between candidates who don’t represent the electorate’s views. 

Check out this special panel discussing our broken congressional primaries with three former candidates who ran in contests defined by vote-splitting. 

Our panelists: 

  • Dr. Timothy Kane (OH-12) 

  • Jana Sanchez (TX-06) 

  • Kristine Reeves (WA-10) 

Our panelists will share their stories about what it’s like to run in a crowded field when every voter is forced to choose just one.